Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> I have no problem with a backport in general, but why exactly *now* when 
> Daniel 
> writes a mail that he has solved all problems that required a lot of research 
> work and Daniel and I only need some more weeks of "implementation work"?
I guess the mail was just a trigger. Now, I trust and value Daniels and
your efforts very very much. Really. And I guess with the real blocks in
place it will be a big step forward for Cocoon - no doubt.

On the other hand, I would like to have some features we already have in
trunk, today. And I think it would be better to do smaller steps: the
first one introducing a new core - which solves many of our day to day
problems - and then the next step, the blocks stuff.

I can only speak for myself: while I don't have enough time to help in
the blocks stuff today, I know enough about the Cocoon core to add the
features from trunk to 2.1.x again. And I think the current core from
trunk should be pretty stable, at least as stable as the current 2.1.x
:) So we could do a release with that stuff very quickly imho.

Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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