Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Jorg Heymans wrote:

Antonio Gallardo wrote:

I know, but IIRC Giacomo told the directory name is not important for
jar generation since there is a directive in pom.xml to change the jar
name. Looking at the current trunk the "cocoon-" prefix create a lot of
"noise". And this is why I am asking again if this is the best way we
can go. ;-)

Yes <finalName/> allows you to control the artifact name.

The reason why we've named these directories was that in continuum there
is a mapping between the module name and the repository directory name.

So if you declare in a top level module pom




then continuum will resolve the checkout path for moduleA as

Now at the time i did not take the possibility of using <finalName/>
into account. Advice from the maven guys was module-name=module-location
so that's what i went for.

I suggest that before we decide to go for this approach, someone
experiments with this layout and tests continuum and eclipse-plugin
integration (they are the most picky with module poms) and reports back
before we start another mass rename.

Either way i'm not too bothered at all by a repo structure with "noise".
Maven is there to help you not having to look at the repo structure in
it's totality.

In one of my projects we had problems when artifactId and directory name were different, now I remember.

I hesitate to change it as "working against the system or recommendations" can be very frustrating and after daily using M2 for about 3 months I know that it's best to follow every recommendation that you can get. Often when I tried something different (e.g. not putting the Java sources into ./src/main/java but somewhere else causes problems in some reporting plugins) I got problems.

Can somebody ask a M2 expert (IRC, [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc), if it is really save to use the <finalName/> element for JAR artifacts?

Not necesary. Please keep the current hierachy with the "cocoon-" prefix. We have a lot of others things to do, hence keep moving. Later we can get back and improve this issue if we found it necesary at all. ;-)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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