Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> Sylvain Wallez schrieb:

>> What about simply adding Form.setId(String formId)?
> Yes, that was my first thought as well - but I was wondering if it's a
> good idea to "always"
> allow to change the id. So I thought that if the id is dynamic, it
> should be part of the constructor - therefore the above changes.
> But of course just adding setId() works fine as well.

It seems to me that the form writer should not have to care about
setting a dynamic ID on the form, as it's more an integration concern (a
form could run equally well standalone or within the portal).

Is there a simple test that can be performed (without introducing a
dependency on the portal block) that can allow us to detect that we're
running as a coplet and then set a dynamic ID on the form?


Sylvain Wallez
Apache Software Foundation Member

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