Jorg Heymans wrote:
> Sylvain Wallez wrote:
>> Well, considering the manual process required for this, yes.
>> Now this leads to a question I haven't found an answer to: is it
>> possible with M2 to have local dependencies, i.e. jars that are in _no_
>> repository, just like the "lib" directory in our 2.1 branch? That would
>> avoid having to maintain a local repository as an interim place for the
>> main one.
> I think that the minimum requirement is to have the libs in a
> repo-compliant directory structure.
> It might however also be possible to define a repository using the file
> protocol, like:
>     <repository>
>       <id>localfilerepo</id>
>       <name>custom repo</name>
>       <url>file://my/repo/dir</url>
>     </repository>

Yeah, I used something similar to host a fake repo:

> but i haven't tried this yet. In any case, constructs like this defeat
> the purpose of what maven is (should be) all about. The long term
> solution lies in maven advocacy towards other projects, as frustrating
> as this may sound.

Sure, but there are situations when you have either some jars that
cannot be deployed on a repository, either because they're highly
specific or proprietary.

Anyway, thanks for the confirmation.


Sylvain Wallez
Apache Software Foundation Member

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