Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> On 5/18/06, Carsten Ziegeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ...I had similar problems with m2 and now I'm always doing a "clean
>> install" and most times remove my local repo as well...
> Just curious, how much time do you need for a clean build of the
> trunk, starting with an empty m2 repository?
> I've had several occurences where the whole thing was not finished
> after more than an hour, using an usually fast DSL or similar
> connection. For some reason, the repository downloads seem to be very
> slow here.

The main Maven repository has a severe outage (corrupted filesystem on a
raid diks), and was on the same machine as which is down also.

The main mirror is now (temporarily?) hosted at
which may not have enough bandwitdth.

You should consider adding some mirrors to you 
{maven-home}/conf/settings.xml from the list at

Also, AFAIU, is no more queried with the
default settings and should be added as a mirror as well.


Sylvain Wallez -

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