       *                               *
       *    Cocoon GetTogether 2006    *
       *      October 2nd to 4th       *
       *                               *
       *  Amsterdam, The Netherlands   *
       *                               *
         * EARLY BIRD registration open! *
       *                               *
       ******* www.cocoongt.org ********

Hi all,

This year's Cocoon GetTogether is coming near!

In 7 weeks time there'll be plenty of Cocoon talks, hacking, food, beers, 
laughs -
everything you've been waiting for since you left Amsterdam on October 7th last 

The Request for Ideas questionnaire on the Cocoon users and developers lists 
demonstrated a wish to focus more on end-user experience, and reallife, 
demonstrations of best practices around Apache Cocoon or it's related projects. 

We've had a big bunch of wonderful ideas for talks and now it's time to start 
them into real talks!

Please take a look at the below list of ideas and see if there's one or 
more subjects that you would like to talk about. Talks on different subjects 
are most 
definitely welcome! The list below is only there as a guideline to help you in 
finding a good subject, not to limit your originality :)

ANYONE is invited to send in a proposal - even if you prefer doing a really 
talk, or perhaps a four hour tutorial, don't hesitate to send it in! 
And no... You don't have to be a committer to do a talk ;-p

If you want to present during the GetTogether you are kindly requested to send 
a presentation proposal. Presentation topics will be screened for cluefulness, 
the sense that we don't want any commercial presentations. Please send in your 
presentation proposal to info at cocoongt.org - see below for a template to 
help you 
in filling out a proposal.


Deadline for RFP'S: September 4th, 2006, 23:59 hours CET (Monday evening)

Ideas for talks

Here's the (long!) list of subjects for sessions that we all came up with:

- Success stories (why someone chose Cocoon, for what, what was great and
  what not?)
- Comparison of Cocoon with other web frameworks
- Why should I upgrade to 2.2?
- A "meet the Cocoon devs" session at the hackaton for users. This session
  should be moderated and the topics come from the participating
- Perspectives of the portal block, relations to other Apache portal
- Some shorter, flashier presentations of what you can achieve with
  Cocoon, right from the core developers
- A session with "kowledge flashes", 5 to 10 minutes per subject
- A "guided tour" through Cocoon where Reinhard interviewed Carsten and
  Sylvain about the internals
- Some demos of actual Cocoon sites, with explanations of why, how, etc
- Optimisation techniques, (efficient, performant Cocoon) across the whole
  lifecycle of an application
- The secret gems of Cocoon (what do people not know about that is really cool)
- Interactive apps, authentication, user tuned content
- How to get involved (find out what the community needs from contributers)
- Some sessions that focus on technologies that are often used together with
  Cocoon, with Guru's:
    - Maven 2
    - Spring 2
    - FOP 0.92
    - Cocoon and Web Services/SOA
    - Lepido
- Some howto's / best practices for
    - Configuration
    - Using Spring
    - Building Cocoon
- 10 Reasons to use Cocoon
- A "What's new in 2.2 and how to use it track" with different topics, 5 to
  10min per topic.
- What's up for Cocoon 3.0?
- The Funky Cocoon AJAX tour (with lots of samples!)
- A session like "moving from xsp and sitemap actions to flowscript and
  jxtemplate" to introduce existing users to the latest Cocoon techniques
  and guide them in upgrading their older bits of code
- A short (!!) introduction to OSGi (what's all that fuzz about?!)
- Best practice + case studies for cocoon based Intranet Portals
- Integration of Cocoon and Open Source Workflow Servers, Cocoon based
  Workflow applications in general
- Cocoon Forms: "meta form application" (let the users create form based
  applications by assembling cocoon forms with the help of CF)
- Short, practical case studies: high-level architecture, integrating
  Cocoon, etc. 
- How to NOT get lost in Cocoon technologies: flow, binding, xsp, jxtemplate,
  cforms, authentication, portal, etc. 
- How does Cocoon provide login, authorization, menu, form processing,
  templating, integration with backends (database)? 
- How to create a "typical" project with cocoon, regarding
  sitemap hierarchy and organization, class model, deployment, artifacts,
  where do flows scripts must go, etc?
- Case studies showing large web applications
- Cocoon for 'non-java' professionals and Cocoon project management
- What is the required knowledge in order to hire a professional that should
  work in a cocoon project?
- Does separation of concerns work in a real world situation?
- Reducing risk when building large projects with large teams
- How to tweak Cocoon for performance
- Real numbers on cocoon performance, real hardware and real deployment
  topology (load balancing, session replication)
- A caching tour. How can I use caching effectively and what can I cache
- Measuring performance. How can I know at what speed my cocoon site is
- The Cocoon toolset: tools that can help shorten development time / tools
  for testing / monitoring

And a final note from Bertrand: "Talking to community members, I get a feeling 
that we're using Cocoon in wildly different ways, and I think it's one of its 
major strengths - let's show this at the GT!"


Do not include proprietary or confidential material in your proposals. 
We will assume that you do not consider any material included in the 
proposals to be confidential. All conference presentations are 
vendor-agnostic and should focus on technology. Your proposal should 
contain the following information:

1. Proposed title for the talk/session/debate.
2. Brief outline or abstract of the talk/session/debate 
    * Please be as concise as possible.
    * Please write in third-person context.
    * Please list any prerequisite sessions or knowledge you feel is essential.
    * Indicate, if applicable, if this is a beginning or advanced talk.
3. For all proposed speakers, include: speaker name, title, company, address, 
phone number, fax and website. 
4. Biography for the proposed speaker(s) showing relevant experience and 
qualification to speak on the proposed subject matter (not to exceed 250 
5. Primary contact/founder name, title, company, address, email and phone 

Proposals should be sent to: info at cocoongt.org.

All speakers are required to submit copies of their presentations before 
22nd, 2005. These presentations will be included in the conference notes. All
presentations will be made available after the conference in electronic (PDF) 

Have fun! 

Kind regards,

Arjé Cahn


Oosteinde 11
1017WT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel  +31 (0)20 5224466

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