Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Leszek Gawron wrote:
This does not happen when I turn shielding off and use mvn jetty:run

The latest version of the jetty6 plugin behaves differently from the
version we used last week.
I experienced several classpath problems with rc1 and switched back to
the older beta version.
The main problems is that jetty:run is using the classpath configured in
the pom for starting the webapp - and this means that shielded loading
is turned off anyway!
So, if you want to use the jetty plugin in this way, you should turn of
shielded loading - or if you want to use shielded loading use a
different approach to start your webapp.

what version are you using then?

Leszek Gawron, IT Manager                          MobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67                    
mobile: +48 (501) 720 812                       fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65

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