Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Why not expose core also with a lighter interface?
I can't follow you here, what lighter interface?

Let's define that interface and allow block that do not use spring use instead of ApplicationContext.

Also, as you write, I do have concerns about big dependencies. One of the main ideas with using a DI container like Spring is to reduce or even remove the dependencies on the container. To then start to depend on a huge interface like the ApplicationContext seem to me to be a step in the wrong direction.

AbstractApplicationContext contains only 3 methods that need to be implemented:

protected abstract void refreshBeanFactory() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException;

protected abstract void closeBeanFactory();

public abstract ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory() throws IllegalStateException;

I know there are lot's of methods from other interfaces but they are already taken care of. Is that such a burden?

The AbstractApplicationContext certainly simplify things. Still implementing the ConfigurableListableBeanFactory that the abstract getBeanFactory() returns is a considerable amount of work compared to just implement a BeanFactory.
That is why there is a DefaultListableBeanFactory that we could extend...

No we don't want a pluggable core. But in my POV we shouldn't have a tight integration with any container. After all the main promise with Spring is that it is a stable and popular DI container. We should embrace the fact that it is a DI container and refactor Cocoon so that components use DI instead of the the service lookup pattern as far as possible.

Of course. What I meant writing 'tight integration with spring' was allowing users to use other spring mechanisms/features like:
- orm support (with open session in view filters),
- security (acegi),
- MessageSources,
- event listeners.

Currently some of these features won't work because they are tied to ApplicationContext.

I was hoping that my migration to 2.2 will ease the setup and configuration of a spring context I have in every application. It turned out that because of the fact that cocoon does not expose itself as WebApplicationContext in ServletContext I had to separate my spring beans again:

- none of BeanFactoryPostProcessors work because they are automatically applied only in case of ApplicationContext

- none of spring based servlet filters work because they require the application context to be registered at servlet context. So you won't be using hibernate3.OpenSessionInViewFilter or acegi.FilterToBeanProxy. How annoying is that?

- you do not have access to application events

- you do not have access to MessageSources

- you do not have access to cocoon components anyway.

As I'm not trying to block having a CocoonApplicationContext, the above points shouldn't be a problem.


Leszek Gawron, IT Manager                          MobileBox sp. z o.o.
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