Leszek Gawron wrote:
Rice Yeh wrote:
Does cocoon:deploy consider a dependency's scope? I have a dependency whose scope is 'compile', hence it should not be deployed to WEB-INF/cocoon/lib/. But I find it is always deployed. So I use 'exclusion' to exclude it. But it is kind of workaround.
Hmmm ... if you need something for 'compile' you need it also for runtime, don't you?

What probably should be taken into account is 'provided', 'system' and 'test' dependencies. I see in code this is probably not handled well.

- when building a webapp proper dependencies are copied to WEB-INF/lib by mvn war:exploded. This has got nothing to do with cocoon:deploy. cocoon:deploy only moves the resources to WEB-INF/cocoon/lib if you choose to use shielding classloader.

- when performing mvn cocoon:deploy for a development block the task itself copies the dependency jar files. It omits 'provided', 'system' and 'test' dependencies (system was ommited in current trunk - just fixed that).

Leszek Gawron, IT Manager                          MobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67                              http://www.mobilebox.pl
mobile: +48 (501) 720 812                       fax: +48 (61) 853 29 65

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