Rice Yeh wrote:
  The match setting in the sitemate generated by cocoon:deploy is now
      <!-- resources of block jars -->
      <map:match pattern="/_cocoon/resources/*/**">
        <map:read src="resource://org/apache/cocoon/{1}/resources/{2}"/>

. However, since resources are read from classpath, blocks are not considered here. So the setting should be changed to

      <!-- resources of block jars -->
      <map:match pattern="**/_cocoon/resources/*/**">
        <map:read src="resource://org/apache/cocoon/{2}/resources/{3}"/>

hmmm blocks should reference resources by {request:contextPath}/_cocoon/resources/*. This way you will not need you version of matcher (that is probably more cpu intensive).

Leszek Gawron, IT Manager                          MobileBox sp. z o.o.
+48 (61) 855 06 67                              http://www.mobilebox.pl
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