Jorg Heymans wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

I will setup Continuum to publish the 2.2 docs at the zone this week.

Just remember, Continuum was meant to do continuous integration. Getting it to do site publishing is doable, but IMO not a good idea. If all you need is to run a maven goal using a specific profile then you'ld be much better off with cron and some log dumping to public_html. Continuum has a fair amount of quirks, just like maven has. Not to mention the fact that i regularly have to rebuild the instance because the database gets corrupted.

Back again after the 3 days ASF infrastructure outage :-)

As you might saw, I've added a script to cocoon/trunk. As
Continuum supports "Shell Projects" this seems to me to be the best alternative as you only have to create a project, point to the shell script, link it with the scheduler and add a mail notifier.

Hence the maintainance of this setup should be fairly simple. I also adapted the settings.xml of the user "maven" at the zone. It contains the Daisy credentials and some properties now.

The advantage of this solution is that we get the notification mechanism for free. The downside _could_ be that Continuum doesn't rebuild the docs if there hasn't been a change in SVN when a project is triggered by the scheduler. But I'm not sure about this.

In any case, if you need a hand setting it up let me know.

Could you configure the DOC_GENERATION scheduler so that it runs every 4 hours? (I'm not an expert for cron expressions.)

And I have a question: How can I override a configuration parameter from the command line? The problem is that "";, the repository URL, can't be resolved from within the zone. As a temporary workaround I changed the repository URL in our root pom to http://localhost:9263 but this obviously only works from within the zone.

I tried it with "mvn site -DrepoUrl=http://localhost:9263"; but this way the value doesn't get set. In the mojo, the repo URL is configured like that:

     * The Daisy repo server url.
     * @parameter expression="${repoUrl}"
     * @required
    protected String repoUrl;

Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong, or is it a bug?

Reinhard Pötz           Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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