Alexander Klimetschek wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom schrieb:
For development you should either start by creating your webapp with the Cocoon webapp Maven archetype Or by copying cocoon-webapp. Then you add dependencies to the blocks that you want to use to the pom.

Is it still somehow possible to run a cocoon block, eg. just a COB-INF with only a sitemap, without any webapp configuration (web.xml, etc.)?

Previously the deployer did all that for you. Apparently this nice feature is gone. Is the only chance to do so to use the webapp Maven archteype? AFAIK that one is intended for creating new blocks, it does not help much if you are migrating blocks. And what about quickly testing a block that does and should not contain a webapp config - because it will be deployed in a webapp enabled block sometimes!?


Hi Developers,

Reading at your thread I dare a Cocoon 2.2 trunk user feedback:

In terms of development management, building a webapp from Maven2 oriented Cocoon blocks appears to me as a striking advantage over all I have been doing in the past, with and without Cocoon.

In a Cocoon block created with block archetype:
mvn package jetty6:run

When ready make it available for webapp development  (locally):
mvn install
This is simple, effective, flexible, reusable ... and I am overlooking most of inter-blocks communication ...

As of today building from trunk and using cocoon-22-archetype-block version 1.0.0-M4-SNAPSHOT leads to missing org.apache.cocoon.maven.deployer.servlet.ShieldingListener exception and removing cocoon-deployer-plugin doesn't let me execute "jetty6:run" successfully anymore.

If this is an intended move I think it is a loss in development simplicity, although I might overlook another way to reach that same goal.


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