
Jeremy Quinn wrote:
> Hi Carsten
> For static files that are just using a reader, this may be a good  
> solution.
> In the case of these system pipelines however, there is a sitemap/ 
> flowscript etc. that has to be executed.
Ah, ok - so this has to go through the sitemap of course.

> As for static files, they are currently being served for 2 blocks,  
> Forms which has CForms Dojo Widgets, CSS and Images; Ajax which has  
> more Widgets etc. plus it contains Dojo libs.
Yepp - it would be great to serve these files directly from a resource

> Due to a recent development at AOL, it could be possible to do  
> without distributing Dojo from Cocoon :
> http://ajaxian.com/archives/including-dojo-via-the-aol-cdn
> "Alex Russell has:
> constructed a couple of very small “wrapper” files that will let you  
> include the “Ajax” build of Dojo from various versions through the  
> cross-domain loader.
> Including the latest stable Dojo couldn’t be simpler:
> <script src="http://download.dojotoolkit.org/dojo_0.3.1.js";></script>
> It’s also trivial to test out the latest 0.4.1 Release Candidate:
> <script src="http://download.dojotoolkit.org/dojo_0.4.1rc2.js";></script>

That would be cool and reduce downloads for users as well.

> I have not tested this yet.
> My hopes are that CForms etc. will be compatible with Dojo 0.4.n very  
> shortly :)
Great!! :)


Carsten Ziegeler - Chief Architect

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