On 08.03.2007, at 07:48, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Yesterday I did a svn up on commons-jci and get errors of type ClassDefNotFoundError. After reloading it again, the error disappears. After testing commons-jci built on Sunday afternoon, everything works as expected.

Once again ;-)

Yesterday I did a svn up on commons-jci and now I get errors of type ClassDefNotFoundError when the reloading classloader is used (- > doing a page refresh) right after a change. After a second page refresh, the error is gone.

Uh! That is weird! ClassDefNotFoundError of what? Can you give me log output for that (having "org.apache.commons.jci" on DEBUG)?

I just did a

svn diff -r {2007-03-03}:HEAD https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ jakarta/commons/sandbox/jci/trunk

and really the only bigger change is properly closing InputStreams and handling paths correctly. Windows was complaining.

After reverting to commons-jci which was built on Sunday afternoon, everything works as expected (except that I still need to run it in debug mode which causes problems because the hot code replace mechanism of Eclipse interfers.)

Yeah ...we need to look into that debug problem.

Any clue?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong in http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ cocoon/trunk/tools/cocoon-rcl/cocoon-rcl-webapp-wrapper/src/main/ java/org/apache/cocoon/servlet/ReloadingClassloaderManager.java?

That code looks fine to me.


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