Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Because of dependencies on the event-cache block, the caching source was added to the repository block when it moved out from scratchpad. After some refactorings I should be able now to move it to cocoon-core without having to add any new depenendencies there.

As a caching source is of general interest for many of our users (see several requests on the users list) I want to propose to move it to cocoon-core.

The proposal has been accepted. It got 7 binding +1 votes and no -1. I will move the CachingSource to core as soon as time permits.

Done. I also removed all depenencies on Avalon. The CachingSourceFactory can be configured as Spring bean now. I added two default configurations "cached" and "async-cached" which both inherit from the abstract configuration "org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceFactory/cached::abstract" which is also a good starting point for custom configurations (e.g. you want to switch the used cache or the validity strategy).

The tests run through but I don't know what the coverage is. I guess not to high. Unfortunatly it isn't particularily easy to write tests for the async mode. Since I need the CachingSource in my own apps very soon, I will hopefully find any problems caused by my refactorings very soon.

                                  - o -

The only behavioural change that I'm aware of was, that I had to remove the possibility of inline configurations of the source refresher. The problem is that Spring doesn't make free-style configurations as simple as Avalon does. Altough it would be possible to mimick it, it is too much work for something that can be done using a configuration file IMO.

                                  - o -

There were two reasons why the CachingSourceFactory wasn't already in cocoon-core: First, it supports InspectableSources and second, it supports EventAwareCaches.

If you want to use InspectableSources, you can use the InspectableSourcesAwareCachingSourceFactory* from the repository block.

If you want to use an EventAwareCache you can configure the caching source using the EventAwareCachingSourceValidityStrategy in combination with a cache that implements EventAware. The strategy can be found in the event-cache block.

* cool name, isn't it? I know that we can do as good as Spring in inventing loooong class names ;-)

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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