Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Marc Portier pisze:
looks like I'm stumbling over a partial answer:

I suppose the 2nd bean over there will cater for the 'system' references?

Yes. I did this way (I didn't touch paths, directory structure, sitemap) because I didn't understand the stuff fully. There is only one sample in Cocoon (in Forms) that uses this stuff but it does not work up to date. I mentioned problem few times and asked for help, last time here:

ok, sorry for not being around with plenty of time when that happened

I didn't know that some may want to use JSON js files directly instead of calling sitemap in system. Now I think that all the functionality

as far as I understand now, loading the System.JSON.js is the only way to be able to add json-serialization for your own beans...

But I have to say I would welcome a more Java based solution for that anyway (probably based on the stuff)

something that could register custom json serializers so the send-json pipe could actually serialize out all your domain models

wdot? (please be invited to start a discussion on this, and on how we can cater for custom dojo widgets in a flexible way as well by the way)

should be moved to the root sitemap and necessary resources should be shared via "resource/internal/**".

I had the same feeling

Giacomo, as you seem to be more experienced with the JSON, could take care of doing that? I can help you with any trouble you encounter. If

I think it makes sense to talk about how we should be addressing the json serialization of custom beans...

you do so, don't forget to update docs:


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