The proposed release artifacts are available at

Except for the archetypes the easiest way to test the artifacts is by adding a
"cocoon-staging" profile to your ~/.m2/settings.xml:

            <name>Cocoon staging repository</name>
            <name>Cocoon staging repository</name>

Then change the version number of the artifacts that you use in your POMs
to the number of the proposed artifact and append "-P cocoon-staging" to all
your Maven commands, e.g.

mvn install -P cocoon-staging

                                      - o -

Because of a bug with the Maven archetyp feature, using profiles doesn't work with the Maven archetype goal. In order to test them you can either check them out from SVN

or use the latest version from SVN and use the snapshot version numbers.

The commands to use the archetypes and explanations of what they are for can be
found at

                                      - o -

I also want to draw your attention to which contains
references to 4 tutorials that help you to get started with Cocoon 2.2 and also
help to test the release artifacts. Again, make sure that you use the
cocoon-staging profile for all your commands as explained above. Otherwise the
referenced artifacts can't be found.

Reinhard Pötz           Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

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