On 10.07.2007 10:30, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

What do you mean by registering?

Where does the template know from which converter to apply? That's
defined by a particular converter which can be looked up by the
template in the registry.

It will be bean's ID pointing that this particular bean implements "short" variant. We use powerful Spring configurator[1] stuff for doing the trick, see this[2] for an example:
  <bean id="org.apache.cocoon.components.expression.ExpressionFactory"
    <property name="expressionCompilers">
<configurator:bean-map type="org.apache.cocoon.components.expression.ExpressionCompiler"/>

The expressionCompilers property is a Map.

Yes, there is still a registry but neither EL user nor EL implementation must care about it.

This looks like a registry for expression languages, not for converters. How is it related?

Could you elaborate on the "impedance mismatch"? I would like to see
concrete examples to know what you mean. I'm curious because I used to
really like JXPath.

I stole this term from O2R mapping where it is known that there is no 1:1-mapping between the concepts. I remember having a similar problem with working with XPath on objects, especially collections. I thought this was even documented in the official documentation [1] but I can't find it from a quick look. So drop this.

Now I get your point, and understand your arguments. However, as we seen already Daniel proposed very neat solution.

Let's continue this discussion on the other branch of this thread.

As for now I much prefer such solution because playing with registries keeping PropertyEditors attached to some paths is not the most elegant solution, IMHO.

Can you please elaborate on this and add it to this other branch why actually? Maybe there is a different understanding which lead to different impressions on this.

This mail helped a lot not only to understand your stand but to bring issues that I have not been thinking about before.

Good to hear :-)


[1] http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/jxpath/users-guide.html

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