
I just noticed that Jeremy Quinn would like[1] to work on migrating Forms block 
to Dojo 0.9 version
at Hackathon. While I think it's very good idea (I don't like Ajax but we need 
to have something
working and glittering) and would like to help as much as I can (my TODO list 
is already quite
stuffed) I believe that we should cut final release of Forms block before 
migrating to Dojo 0.9.

New Dojo's release brings a lot of incompatibilities that would impact our 
users too. Therefore I
would like to see our Forms 1.0.0 release *without* Dojo 0.9. Final release of 
Forms would require
final release of Cocoon's core so I think it's not doable to cut final release 
of Froms before
Hackathon. Given that, I think we should tag/branch Forms before Hackathon so 
people are free to
work on that block and focus on bringing final release of whole Cocoon 

As we are close to final release of Cocoon core already I think 
branching/tagging one block for few
weeks wouldn't hurt.


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/GT2007Hackaton

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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