On Nov 15, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler (JIRA) wrote:
Log4j configuration is loaded to late with Spring Configurator
There might be different solutions for this:
a) Provide a configuration servlet/servlet listener (Spring provides
one as well, but that's only usuable inside an expanded war file)
b) Create an XML tag for spring configuration (like we do for the
settings). This will ensure that logging is setup before beans are setup

I'd prefer either a or b. b is even better since you don't have to touch

Speaking of logging, I think latest jetty maven plugin (or something
else?) broke all the logging and now everything is dumped to the
console, and log file is empty. It started doing this for me day or two

By default log4j loads the log4j.properties from the classpath. Perhaps
this is enough?

Brining this topic back up... We were providing built-in support for logging like... forever... dropping it would not add to the convenience of using Cocoon.

And since b) still would not catch some of Spring logging, a) seems like best option. I'd like to see it implemented - if I get chunk of time to do it, I'll try to...


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