On 18.03.2008 03:07, footh wrote:

Sure, here is the hierarchy from bottom to top.  At this point, I ran the test 
for about five
minutes (running longer would increase the percentage) and the retained size of 
the one
ContinuationsManagerImpl object is 58% of the total.  The BufferedOutputStream 
is 50% of the
total, so the other 8% is consumed by the objects in between.

secureOutputStream of  org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpEnvironment
env of  
redirector of  org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.java.ContinuationContext

What I was so much concerned about here was the fact of storing the whole environment in the continuation, especially since we have this non-flushing BufferedOutputStream at the end. Is there any point in storing the environment? Do we get anything useful out of it after continueing the continuation?


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