Benjamin Boksa wrote:
Hi Leszek,

thanks you very much for looking into my problem:

I have run your test scenario. Please use the following statement:

<configurator:include-beans dir="classpath*:/META-INF/foo-service/spring"/> <configurator:include-properties dir="classpath*:/META-INF/foo-service/properties"/>

using classpath*: ensures that spring will scan all available jars for that path and aggregate the results.

That (scanning all jars) actually was one of the things I tried to avoid (as this might cause problems with the same directories existing in two jars). Not very likely, I know, but avoidable as the configurator test-case shows.

One more comment: there is completely no problem if every jar has /META-INF/properties/ file. Every file has unique URL and the property placeholder will pick all of them. Treat it more like a nice feature than a problem :)

Leszek Gawron               
CTO at MobileBox Ltd.

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