Hi all, 

we have developed a block to add a new section to our page.


This section is independent from the rest of the portal. Since we are
using Apache httpd to serve all images, css and js we had to implement a
rewrite rule to the work dir of tomcat.

Something like:
RewriteRule "^/themes/images/28f2009/(.*)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|ico)$"
"$PORTAL/work/blocks/conectorEspeciales/themer/themes/common/images/$1.$2" [L]

We cannot do this anymore out of constraints from our production
department and are looking into ways to link to the resources in the
block lib not pointing into the work dir of tomcat. 

How do other solve this issue?

Is there a a way to tell the block to deploy to another path then the
work dir of tomcat?

I see different solutions:

1) Link into the jar via httpd directly (not sure whether httpd can do
that and whether that brings any drawbacks).
2) Use block deployer from cocoon (if exists) that extract the jar to
certain configurable path. 
3) Tell production that they need to unzip the block.jar into a certain
path themselves. 

Any ideas and thoughts welcome.


Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
Open Source Java <consulting, training and solutions>

Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad 
de la Información, S.A.U. (SADESI)

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