Simone Tripodi wrote:
> Hi Reinhard,
> just a couple of questions before expressing my +1:
> On SVN repo I found alpha2 tags out of sync the following modules:
> - cocoon-all (is empty)
> - cocoon-optional (is empty)
> - cocoon-parent (is empty)

Thanks for spotting - I created all the release tags and updated the
tagging script. Unfortunately Maven doesn't do this out of the box (see
the 'svn-release-tags.bat' script in the root directory of Cocoon 3).

> I didn't find tagged the following modules:
> - cocoon-docs

directory and tag added

> - cocoon-profiling-firebug

not released this time because I have to check how to properly
release/distribute Firefox/Firebug plugins.

> - cocoon-sample-webapp
> - cocoon-sample-wicket-webapp

Not there because it doesn't make much sense to release them because
everything is packed in a war file. In order to explore the webapp
samples, use the samples archetype.

> - cocoon-sax

directory and tag added.

> After downloaded both zip and tar.gz archives, I didn't find the
> parent pom to build all modules: did I miss something?

It's not there on purpose because its <modules> section would point to
non-existing projects.

If you want to rebuild the release from its sources, you either have to
build the modules in the right order or you would have to add a root pom

For the next release we could enhance the apache-release profile of the
'cocoon-all' module e.g. by a Groovy script that creates the root POM.

> XInclude: I'm sure my patch doesn't include the sitemap integration,
> and I'm very sorry for that :( 

no problem. Since you'll get commit privileges very soon, you can fix it
yourself :-P

> Should I integrate it before releasing
> alpha2?

I would only want to rebuild the release artifacts either if there is a
serious bug or a formal issue that makes the release 'invalid' regarding
to ASF rules. Otherwise we should just ship alpha-3 asap.

> Documentation: should we move my name from contributors to committers?
> sorry but I'm still celebrating my graduation :P :D

You're welcome, add yourself to the parent pom, otherwise see above.

> Have a nice evening, and count on me for any help you need!!!

Thanks for reviewing!

Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member        

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