Hi everbody,


I described this already but got no response yet.


In my first email I got confused about ehcache using slf4j, but after 
decompiling ehachace from our Cocoon 2.1.11 (Tomcat is 6.0.20), I noticed 
commons logging was used back then. 


The problem is (still): 

Our tomcat/logs/catalina.out logs too many DEBUG messages generated in ehcache, 


85765 [http-8080-5] DEBUG net.sf.ehcache.Cache  - cocoon-ehcache-1 cache - Miss

85765 [http-8080-5] DEBUG net.sf.ehcache.Cache  - cocoon-ehcache-1 cache - Miss

85946 [http-8080-5] DEBUG net.sf.ehcache.store.MemoryStore  - 
cocoon-ehcache-1Cache: spool to disk done for: 


This causes huge catalina.out, around 5 GB per day, so we need to restart 
tomcat and purge the log file.


We already tried all kinds of configuration settings, like adding the following 
to logkit.xconf

    <category log-level="INFO" name="core.store">

        <log-target id-ref="main"/>


    <category log-level="INFO" name="core.store.transient">

        <log-target id-ref="main"/>


    <category log-level="INFO" name="core.store.janitor">

        <log-target id-ref="main"/>



As we also have a log4j.jar in cocoon/WEB-INF/libs, I also added a 
logging.properties to cocoon/WEB-INF/classes/.

Nothing helped and catalina.out is still bloated with those ehcache debug 


What could cause these DEBUG messages to go to stdout (or stderr)?

How can we configure the logs to get rid of these messages?


Thanks in advance,



Alexander Lochschmied 

Web Programmer - Internet and Commerce 

IT Global Web Services 

Information Technology

Phone:    +49 92 8771 2682

Fax       +49 92 8771 2545

Website:  www.vishay.com <http://www.vishay.com/> 


Vishay Electronic GmbH

Geheimrat-Rosenthal-Str. 100 

D-95100 Selb 

Amtsgericht/County Court Hof HRB 2894, 

Geschäftsführer/Managing Directors: Sieglinde Janker-Buecherl, Arnold Rohr


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