Simone Tripodi wrote:
> Hi again,
> just to make sure everybody tests the same stuff, please refer to:
> Include GPG key and checksum verification!!!

Thanks Simone.

+1 from me.

MD5 (cocoon-all-3.0.0-alpha-3-dist.tar.gz) = 5b2e839101ec53246690b05dbf136b13

There are a couple of things that should get fixed
for next time:

The md5 and sha1 files have extra "-n".

All NOTICE.txt files have a year range, so needs 2011.

I don't understand how Maven stuff works. There are some
declared dependencies. They do use suitable licenses.
Do we need to add a copy of their licenses in our distribution?

e.g. some are:
AspectJ : EPL-1.0
Woodstox : Apache License 2.0
Antlr : BSD
MurmurHash : Apache License 2.0

Some of those licenses do require reciprocity:
We already have mentioned in NOTICE.txt the JAXB using CDDL.

However we have not mentioned AspectJ using EPL.

We do mention Java MurmurHash using AL-20 and the original
using MIT, but we do not need to.


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