On 07/07/2011 12:09 PM, Robby Pelssers wrote:

Are my following assumptions right?

-setConfiguration is typically used when using sitemap


-but for setup(params) method the API states that this is the shared map
for all components… so it should not be called directly

but it gets indirectly called when executing
pipeline.setup(outputstream, params)?

yes, see o.a.c.pipeline.AbstractPipeline#setupComponents

If it was not intended this way, then
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON3-68 applies.

-But I still can see the need that different components need to be able
to be setup with different maps of parameters. Suppose both components
need a “id” parameter but for

the generator this needs to be value ‘x’ and for e.g. the transformer
value ‘y’. Then using a shared map will not work.

If you use the Java API directly, you can pass any parameter by using the constructor or a custom setter method to your component.

There should be no need to call the setup method yourself.

Reinhard Pötz         Founder & Managing Director, Indoqa and Deepsearch

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  reinh...@apache.org

      Furthermore, I think Oracle has to honor the JSPA agreement.
    http://s.apache.org/JCPIsDead       http://s.apache.org/tck-trap

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