Hi all guys,
I assume there's no objection on adding that module, going to create
the archetype!


On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Simone Tripodi
<simonetrip...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi all guys,
> during the last 2 weeks I've been working as bricklayer (and didn't
> know it is fun!) and while working I had an idea I want to submit as a
> proposal: Pipeline CLI
> Rationale
> I often use xslproc to debug XSL stylesheets and see how outputs look
> like, so as user I'd like to have a tool that allows me to test C3
> pipelines as well, without requiring the pipeline mus be included in a
> full C3-based application.
> Proposal
> I intend to add a simple module which target is a C3-based CLI tool
> that allows user define pipelines via CLI, without requiring a
> configuration file.
> Users would be able to launch it via shell using the following command (PoC):
>    c3p <URL> (<component>
> (--component-parameter-name>=component-parameter-value)*)+
> (-D<pipeline-parameter-name>=pipeline-parameter-value)*
> where
>  * <component> can be an alias (i.e. 'schema' for
> org.apache.cocoon.sax.component.SchemaProcessorTransformer) or the
> fully qualified class name (additional components must be included in
> the classpath);
>  * components parameters are expressed via
> --component-parameter-name>=component-parameter-value syntax, and
> parameters name are the same defined in the sitemap;
>  * global pipeline parameters are defined via
> -D<pipeline-parameter-name>=pipeline-parameter-value.
> An example could be
>    c3p file://~/Downloads/sample.xml xslt
> --source=file://~/Downloads/sample.xsl schema
> --source=file://~/Downloads/sample.xsd
> Where if 'finisher' is not defined, it serializes to stdout.
> I thought c3p would be a good shell/bash cmd name candidate that
> stands for "cocoon3 pipeline".
> It should require cocoon-pipeline, cocoon-sax, cocoon-optionals as
> cocoon dependencies and maybe commons-cli to handle cli parameters.
> Any thought? more ideas?
> I could start adding the initial maven module during the weekend, if agreed.
> Many thanks in advance and have a nice weekend, all the best!!!
> Simo
> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> http://www.99soft.org/

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