> *My* issue - that induced me on the XML format - is that via CLI,
> expressing a pipeline would be not so easy :/


> Moreover, using my beloved commons-digester allowed me having a
> working PoC in less than one day.
> Anyway, I agree that something different from XML should be provided
> to our users, my other issue is that I don't have good background on
> JavaCC/AnTLR to write a DSL... and haven't taken a look yet on
> XText... would you recommend it?

So far I have only used ANTLR. Happy to help out with it.
XText looks intriguing though.

> About packaging: I use the Application Assembler Maven Plugin[1] to
> create the application - it generates even the scripts for both
> linux/windows, so not so hard to manage.

Interesting. That's not so bad then.
Personally still prefer "java -jar" way though.


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