On 05/28/2012 10:26 AM, Thorsten Scherler wrote:
Hello all,

I propose Javier Puerto as a new Cocoon committer and PMC member.

I am working with Javier since over 5 years now in different teams for
different clients. Our projects include all version of cocoon and he
contributed many qualified patches over the years.

He is an ASF committer in Apache Droids and I think he would make a
great addition to our team. He contributes now on a regular base and
lately as well started to dig into many issues that are critical for the
c3 release.

That shows that his interest in Cocoon is longer-term.

This vote ends one week from today, i.e. midnight UTC on Sunday 2012-06-04

Please cast your votes.

+1 welcome!

Reinhard Pötz         Founder & Managing Director, Indoqa and Deepsearch

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  reinh...@apache.org

      Furthermore, I think Oracle has to honor the JSPA agreement.
    http://s.apache.org/JCPIsDead       http://s.apache.org/tck-trap

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