Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
> Cédric Damioli wrote:
> >Hi there,
> >
> >AFAIK the same 3 issues are still opened. Could you give me a hint 
> >about the src/bin split?
> COCOON-2330 - Could you please tell me (again) how to generate the 
> source and deps packages from SVN? Thanks.

Do "./ dist".

There will also need to be different NOTICE and LICENSE
files for each package.

> >Apart, there's the David issue about upgrading all dependencies. I 
> >don't know the status of it.
> COCOON-2333 - According to [2], there are still few deps to check. I 
> remember I've asked David about how to contribute on this an he said 
> something like "update the JAR file an browse if samples still work"

See a few messages above on this list. There is more to it
than that, e.g. tweak lib/jars.xml file, do the build (which does
have some code tests), review the relevant samples, etc.

Also the issue is about "some" dependencies, not "all".
For example FOP, Batik, etc. would be good if possible.

> >And also an samples issue reopened by David. I don't know either what 
> >to do with it.
> COCOON-2069 - David, what should we do with this?

See my issue comment. I made a workaround to fix the cause
of the new misconfiguration which had broken the build for
everyone. It seems that the original patch must have included
some parts of some extra stuff (WSRP). I reckon forget it and
just leave the workaround in-place.


> Regards.
> >Le 19/01/2013 15:11, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit :
> >>On 11/12/2012 12:29, Cédric Damioli wrote:
> >>>[...]
> >>>>Hi all,
> >>>>is everything tracked into JIRA [1]?
> >>>From my POV, yes.
> >>>I've added some comments to COCOON-2330. I'm not sure what to 
> >>>include or exclude from the -src package.
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>If so, we are only 3 issues away from releasing 2.1.12, wonderful!
> >>
> >>Hello there,
> >>how's the situation with C2.1.12 in 2013? Any help needed?
> >>
> >>Regards.
> >>
> >>>>[1] 
> >>>>
> [2] 
> -- 
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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