Am 24.07.2013 07:19, schrieb Piratenvisier:
Am 23.07.2013 14:30, schrieb Thorsten Scherler:
On 07/23/2013 12:58 PM, Piratenvisier wrote:

I get the error: unknown protocol: servlet at<init>( at<init>( at<init>( at<init>( at org.apache.cocoon.sample.controller.DemoRESTController.doGet(

Not sure but seems that he cannot resolve: return new URLResponse("servlet:/controller/screen", data);
When I went back to the original distribution without any changes and even when I try new URL(new URL("servlet:"),"servlet:/controller/screen") I get the same error,although I think that I once had success with the distribution.

Hmm not sure, I just tried the samples and they work fine for me.
cd ~/src/apache/c3/cocoon-sample
svn up
At revision 1506007.
mvn clean install jetty:run
http://localhost:8888/jax-rs/sample/parameter-passing/5?req-param=7 works fine.
Maybe this is the cause :
When i try to install cocoon with maven I get the error
Unable to initialise extensions
Component descriptor role: 'com.jcraft.jsch.UIKeyboardInteractive', implementation: 'org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.jsch.interactive.PrompterUIKeyboardInteractive', role hint: 'default' has a hint, but there are other implementations that don't

concerning this error I have at the moment no answer.
when I have solved this I come back to the servlet problem.
Because of this problem I don't know what software I link as beta-1
Because I am not able to install the whole application because of this error.

But I see a strong tendenca to a programmed pipeline and I found myself even without cocoon on this way.

see the pipeline example you can use cocoon-pipeline in you normal spring webapp (without cocoon servlet).

I got a programmed fop-pipeline running. Under wicket you have to grant access to the stylesheets
und let wicket give you the full href.

However that seems pretty much as the sample block.
Try just to start cocoon-rest-optional and do mvn clean install jetty:run

I just added a small sample (I consider it quite clean) to use a pipeline in your java code.
How should i call the Restcontroller from the browser and what result should I see ?

cd ../cocoon-rest-optional #assuming you were in samples before
mvn clean install jetty:run

There are three different showcases, the last two ones are mail samples. Where "Here comes the response from server..." stands we will wait the response. I implement the whole thing with html5 and a bit of javascript to post to the server and update the response div with the server response. In case you have success it will read: "Result: true" while the request is processed you see "Processing request...". In case of result: false check the logs in ./target/work/cocoon.log

I got your example running, thank you
I aknowledge that cocoon is again getting interesting.
Thorsten Scherler <>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>

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