On 22/06/20 16:58, Cédric Damioli wrote:
> Le 22/06/2020 à 15:29, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit :
>> On 22/06/20 12:11, Cédric Damioli wrote:
>>> Le 22/06/2020 à 08:57, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit :
>>>> On 21/06/20 22:11, Cédric Damioli wrote:
>>>>> I just tested with JDK 1.6 and it worked fine (my exact JDK version is 
>>>>> 1.6.0_18, Windows version).
>>>> Mine is 1.6.0_45 (Linux) e.g. the one you can download at the moment from 
>>>> Oracle.
>>>>> I'm a bit worried if we must change to 1.8, as Cocoon 2.1.x is supposed 
>>>>> to be compatible with 1.6.
>>>>> Furthermore, javac claims about a RESyntaxException being not catched, 
>>>>> but it's actually a RuntimeException, so I don't see the problem ...
>>>> The actual issue seems to be the fact that RESyntaxException is contained 
>>>> either by
>>>> ./lib/endorsed/jakarta-regexp-1.5.jar
>>>> and
>>>> ./lib/endorsed/xalan-2.7.2.jar
>>>> with the former extending RuntimeException and the latter extending 
>>>> Exception; so it actually depends on which one is picked during build, I'd 
>>>> say.
>>>> Since all classes from the former JAR are included by the latter JAR, I 
>>>> think we should remove jakarta-regexp, but this will not solve the build 
>>>> problem, it will only make it more consistent - which I also believe it is 
>>>> better.
>>> Ok, understood. I was wondering why did this never happen before ? 
>>> jakarta-regexp-1.5 and xalan are used since 10+ years together
>>> I just found than Xalan has been upgraded to 2.7.2 last year. Before that, 
>>> our provided xalan-2.7.1 did not embed org.apache.regexp package
>>> Did we had our own xalan version ?
>>> BTW, a similar issue was raised 15 years ago :) : 
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COCOON-1576
>> I was able to build (and run some tests - not all because I had not time to 
>> look up for HTMLUnit) with the changes embedded in this commit:
>> https://github.com/ilgrosso/cocoon/commit/c438857f594d770d865f4e8b7244b5fda026f6b2
>> As you can see from there, I have:
>> * removed jakarta-regexp-1.5 and introduced CocoonRESyntaxException to wrap 
>> RESyntaxException
>> * replaced jakarta-bcel-20040329.jar (there were compilation errors) with 
>> bcel-5.2.jar - because of some visibility change, I introduced CocoonFrame
>> Please have a look and let me know: in case we are fine with such changes, I 
>> would svn-commit to BRANCH_2_1_X and set COCOON-1576 as fixed in 2.1.13.
> Why not, but are we sure that we won't have regressions due to downgrade of 
> jakarta-regexp (the xalan bundled version is 1.2 AFAIU) ?
> From a design POV, I find it quite strange to rely on an XSLT lib (ie Xalan) 
> to provide regexp processing.
> Could it be better to remove org.apache.bcel and org.apache.regexp from the 
> xalan jar and keep the existing librairies ?
> I suppose that was how it has been done previously for xalan-2.7.1

It seems you are quite right.

I took cocoon-2.1.12-deps.tar.gz from


then extracted


and found that it is *not the same* you can download from Maven Central under


but that it matches the one you can download from


because it does not contain any org.apache.bcel.* nor any org.apache.regexp.* 

So I went ahead and replaced the current


in the source tree with the one contained in


and all went out smoothly.

Problem solved :-)

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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