Hi all,

I am experiencing a rather annoying issue with the latest version of commons-graph on Eclipse. Compiling with javac (maven, command line) it works fine, but the editor still complains: e.g. line 72 of the new FordFulkersonTestCase[1] gives a list of errors[2].

Now, I know from googling that Eclipse is not new to strange behavior, but I wanted to know if anyone on the ML has a nice answer, solution or workaround (other than standard answers like "use another IDE"), or at least experiences the same issue with the code.

Thank you,


[1] https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/sandbox/graph/trunk/src/test/java/org/apache/commons/graph/flow/FordFulkersonTestCase.java?revision=1235827&view=markup
[2] Multiple markers at this line
- Bound mismatch: The generic method applyingFordFulkerson(OM) of type MaxFlowAlgorithmSelector<V,W,WE,G> is not applicable for the arguments (IntegerWeight). The inferred type IntegerWeight is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <OM extends OrderedMonoid<Object>>
    - Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Integer
- Bound mismatch: The generic method findMaxFlow(G) of type CommonsGraph<V,E,G> is not applicable for the arguments (DirectedMutableWeightedGraph<BaseLabeledVertex,BaseLabeledWeightedEdge<Integer>,Integer>). The inferred type BaseLabeledWeightedEdge<Integer> is not a valid substitute
     for the bounded parameter <WE extends WeightedEdge<W>>

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address: squar...@dia.uniroma3.it
Phone: +39-06-57333215
Fax: +39-06-57333612

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