
Maybe one last effort can be made to come up with more understandable names (e.g. for a user that does not know what a Semigroup or Monoid is). Suggestions are welcome.

I exhume this thread because I am still convinced that the "weight architecture" would benefit from a bit of renaming. It is probably not the case to touch mathematical concepts (Semigroup, Monoid), but rather the actual implementations and/or variable names. Consider that with the current fluent API the user has to deal with this stuff explicitly, specifying the appropriate "handler" for weights.

So for example all primitive implementations[1] would change their name from FooWeight to something like FooWeightHandler, or FooWeightOperations, or something like that. Variable names (like in [2]) would change from e.g. orderedMonoid to weightHandler, weightOperations, etc.

Any preference?


[1] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/sandbox/graph/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/graph/weight/primitive/ [2] line 64: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/sandbox/graph/trunk/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/graph/shortestpath/DefaultShortestPathAlgorithmSelector.java?view=markup

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address: squar...@dia.uniroma3.it
Phone: +39-06-57333215
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