Hi Sébastien,

Le 18/06/2012 08:11, Sébastien Brisard a écrit :
> Dear all,
> in this thread,
> http://markmail.org/thread/hhvm6wv3d3uhkwqs
> we had an interesting discussion on a bug which was revealed by
> abstract unit tests on all implementations of RealVector. It turns out
> that the bug is more far-reaching than we initially thought, and I
> would like to make sure that it has been brought to everyone's
> attention (as the subject of the previous thread was pretty cryptic).
> So here goes. In RealVector, we provide ebeMultiply(RealVector) and
> ebeDivide(RealVector). Also, in sparse implementations of RealVector,
> zero entries are not stored. This is all very well, but for the fact
> that 0.0 is actually signed in Java. The sign of zero is effectively
> lost in OpenMapRealVector. This affects the correctness of the
> returned values of ebeMulltiply() and ebeDivide()
> 1. For ebeMultiply()
>         final RealVector v1 = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 1d });
>         final RealVector v2 = new OpenMapRealVector(new double[] { -0d });
>         final RealVector w = v1.ebeMultiply(v2);
>         System.out.println(1d / w.getEntry(0));
> prints Infinity, instead of -Infinity (because the sign is lost in
> v2). This means that w holds +0d instead of -0d.
> 2. For ebeDivide()
>         final RealVector v1 = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 1d });
>         final RealVector v2 = new OpenMapRealVector(new double[] { -0d });
>         final RealVector w = v1.ebeDivide(v2);
>         System.out.println(w.getEntry(0));
> prints Infinity, instead of -Infinity. For this last bug, Gilles
> suggested the following fix
>>  public OpenMapRealVector ebeDivide(OpenMapRealVector v) {
>>    if (v.getDefaultEntry() == 0) {
>>      throw new ZeroException();
>>    }
>>    // ...
>>  }
> which was indeed no big deal, since the exception occured only when
> the expected entry should have been + or -Infinity (which means that
> the calculation had effectively failed).
> However, this fix is not the end of the story, because it should be
> applied to *any* implementation of RealVector.ebeDivide, as long as
> the provided argument is an OpenMapRealVector. This makes things
> cumbersome. Also, other implementations of RealVector (not only
> OpenMapRealVector) might be affected by the same limitation. In my
> view, this would require the definition of a new abstract method in
> RealVector
> protected boolean preservesSignOfZeroEntries()
> which returns true if the sign of zero entries can be reliably
> retrieve from this vector. Then, for each implementation of
> ebeMultiply and ebeDivide,, we should test for
> preservesSignOfZeroEntries(), and handle the boundary cases
> accordingly.
> The question is then: how should the boundary case be handled in the
> ebeMultiply example? In this case, the expected value is perfectly
> valid, and throwing an exception would effectively stop a computation
> which is not yet in failed state.  I would be tempted to quietly
> accept operations like : any double * (zero with undecidable sign).
> The returned value would be zero with undecidable sign (remember that
> the sign of zero is only used to compute (any double) / (signed
> zero)). But then, preservesSignOfZeroEntries() must be specified at
> construction time, because even ArrayRealVector might in some
> circumstances end up with zero entries with undecidable sign... This
> quickly gets very complicated!
> I think there is no satisfactory implementation of ebeMultiply and
> ebeDivide, and I would go as far as deprecate them. Users who need to
> perform these operations can always use visitors to do so efficiently
> (if not in an absolute fool-proof way).

This sound good to me. I am not a big fan of all the ebe methods
(despite I think I am the one who implemented them, from a user
request). I also would be glad if we removed most or even all of the map


> Any better idea?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sébastien
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