It looks good to me.

Emmanuel Bourg

Le 09/12/2013 16:48, Gary Gregory a écrit :
> Hi All:
> Please let me know if you have any feedback or corrections ASAP.
> Thank you,
> Gary
> --
> Status report for the Apache Commons Project December 2013
> The Commons is an Apache project focused on all aspects of reusable Java
> components.
> Apache Commons components are widely used in many projects, both within
> Apache and without.
> There are no issues that require board attention at this time.
> Overall project health is good with six releases this period, including the
> long anticipated [pool] 2.0 and [collections] 4.0. The [csv] component is
> still inching towards 1.0 releases and [imaging] is very close to 1.0 as
> well.
> Releases:
>    - Apache Commons JCI 1.1 on 2013-10-14
>    - Apache Commons Email 1.3.2 on 2013-10-23
>    - Apache Commons Compress 1.6 on 2013-10-26
>    - Apache Commons Configuration 1.10 2013-10-27
>    - Apache Commons Pool 2.0 on 2013-11-11
>    - Apache Commons Collection 4.0 on 2013-11-24
> The mailing list and JIRA activity is good, most support issues get timely
> replies, and development discussions are positive. One of the recurring
> topics is migration from Subversion to Git, the current plan is to try this
> with one component, [cli]. Another discussion is how to reflect component
> liveliness into the site and what to do with mostly inactive components. To
> this end, the main page lists the version and latest release date for each
> component. Another recurring theme is when and how to update the dated look
> and feel of the site; the current thinking here is to use the Fluido skin.
> A perennial concern is how to attract new developers, one proposal is to
> better integrate our processes with git and GitHub.
> The following new committers have joined us:
>    - Ate Douma (ate) on 2013-10-14
>    - Woonsan Ko (woon_san) on 2013-10-14
> There are no new PMC members.
> The PMC changed its chair from Luc Maisonobe to Gary Gregory. The Commons
> community is grateful for Luc’s service.
> Gary

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