Hi All,

Log4j 2 provides it's own copy of our StrSubstitutor/StrLookup framework
enhanced for Log4j's needs. In addition it provides a custom StrLookup
called Interpolator which allows for lookups like:

${sys:java.version} and ${env:MY_VAR} to look up system properties and
environment variables respectively as well as other sub maps.

I would like to borrow this concept of a composite and keyed StrLookup and
make it a first class citizen in [text].

This would look like this:

Interpolator interpolator = new o.a.c.t.Interpolator();
interpolator.put("gary", StrLookup.mapLookup(new HashMap()));
interpolator.put("alice", StrLookup.mapLookup(new HashMap()));
StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor = new StrSubstitutor(interpolator);



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