[Not cross posted to @announce since this is internal to Commons]

Apache Commons has released the Apache Commons Build Plugin 1.9.

The Apache Commons Build Plugin is a Maven Plugin which can be used by
Apache Commons components.


VERSION 1.9 - 2018-06-16

Changes since the last release:
1. Fix in src/main/resources/commons-xdoc-templates/readme-md-template.md for 
components that have a major version number in their artifact IDs.
2. Add a goal for creating all items for pre-release. 
3. Fix README.md generation typo: 'JavaDoc' -> 'Javadoc'.
4. Change the Maven goal prefix from "commons" to "commons-build".
5. Add a goal for generating the NOTICE.txt file.
6. Update platform requirement from Java 7 to Java 8.


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