Hi Gang,

I recently alter the code for both SimplexSolver and SimplexTableau to use
the OpenMapRealMatrix object rather than the Array2DRowRealMatrix.  Most
large Linear Programming programming problems in fact have a very sparse
Simplex Tableau --- lots of zeros  -- perhaps 90 percent of the matrix is
zeros!.  When using Array2DRealMatrix,  one invariable runs into a heap
space problem quite quickly.  Instead, by using the OpenMapRealMatrix the
code not physically allocate space for a complete K by N matrix as does the
Array2DRealMatrix.  The modifications to existing code were quite modest.
I think this approach is quite valuable for practitioners of large scale
linear programming problems.  There is a reduction in speed as the
System.arraycopy procedure is no longer employed.  The cost however
provides users with a vastly larger sandbox of memory for problem solving.

My code is thus:
SimplexMapMatrix a minor  extension of OpenMaprealMatrix.

I am willing to share the modifications if the math common group  thinks
such an effort is worthwhile.

Cheers to you all and keep up the good work.

Bill Igoe

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