On 19/07/2019 14:15, Gilles Sadowski wrote:

Le ven. 19 juil. 2019 à 14:27, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
One principle reason for SharedStateDiscreteSampler
and SharedStateContinuousSampler is to simplify the current design approach
for samplers that use internal delegates to provide optimised algorithms.
However this creates an inefficient outer class that is just wrapping the

The idea was to simplify the implementation of the SharedStateSampler<R>
interface for these Discrete/Continuous Samplers. However it has wider
application to moving away from public constructors to factory methods. The
SharedStateDiscreteSampler interface would allow the samplers package to
move to a factory constructor model where samplers have no public
constructor. This allows the factory method to choose the best
implementation. This idea is recommended by Joshua Block in Effective Java
(see [1]).

For example:

UniformRandomProvider rng = ...;
double mean = ...;
PoissonSampler sampler = new PoissonSampler(rng, mean);

vs (with some potential names):

SharedStateDiscreteSampler sampler =
PoissonSampler.newSharedStateDiscreteSampler(rng, mean);
SharedStateDiscreteSampler sampler = PoissonSampler.newInstance(rng, mean);
SharedStateDiscreteSampler sampler = PoissonSampler.newSampler(rng, mean);
SharedStateDiscreteSampler sampler = PoissonSampler.newPoissonSampler(rng,
SharedStateDiscreteSampler sampler = PoissonSampler.of(rng, mean);

Currently there are some unreleased classes in v1.3 that use various
construction methods with different approaches to fitting within the
current design of returning an instance that supports DiscreteSampler and
SharedStateSampler<R> and using specialised algorithms:


The PoissonSamplerCache could also benefit from this as it returns a
DiscreteSampler even though the returned object is now also a

I would advocate introducing these interfaces and switching to a factory
method design for unreleased code. This has no binary compatibility issues.

Current released code that would also benefit from this design are those
with internal delegates:

ChengBetaSampler (no delegate but it chooses an algorithm)

An example of factory code would be

double alpha;
double theta
SharedStateContinuousSampler sampler =
AhrensDieterMarsagliaTsangGammaSampler.of(rng, alpha, theta);
SharedStateContinuousSampler sampler =
AhrensDieterMarsagliaTsangGammaSampler.newGammaSampler(rng, alpha, theta);

Since the class name is so verbose in this case the 'of' method name does
not appear out of place.

Note that as the SharedStateSampler<R> interface is implemented by all
(non-deprecated) distribution samplers a factory method could be added to
every sampler. This would pave the way for removal of public constructors
in a 2.0 release (whenever that happens).

Overall the proposal is to:

- Create SharedStateDiscreteSampler and SharedStateContinuousSampler
- Simplify the implementation of SharedStateSampler<R>
- Move to factory constructors for unreleased samplers
- Add factory constructors to existing samplers to return optimised
+1 (using "of" as the method name).

OK. I will create a ticket.

Note that when I did SharedStateSampler I avoided this implementation to minimise changes. However I recently revisited the change to the DiscreteUniformSampler to use a new faster sampling method for a uniform range (RNG-95). The result was an implementation with 5 internal classes to handle ranges:


And specialisations for powers of 2. It works and is much faster than the current sampler but was not very clean. I'll update this when the new structure is in place.

I am happy with the name 'of' for most samplers since the sampler name contains all the information. What method name would you recommend for a sampler that can sample from different distributions? This is the class and existing methods:


Leave it using 'create' or change to:

- 'new'
- 'for'
- 'of'

In this case 'of' still seems OK.


Perhaps I'll just make all the changes and the names can be assessed when the PR is ready. There may be others that I have missed that will turn up when changing the code.



Thoughts on this are welcomed.


[1] https://www.baeldung.com/java-constructors-vs-static-factory-methods

On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 at 10:35, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> wrote:

This interface has been added in v1.3:

  * Applies to samplers that can share state between instances. Samplers
can be created with a
  * new source of randomness that sample from the same state.
  * @param <R> Type of the sampler.
  * @since 1.3
public interface SharedStateSampler<R> {
      * Create a new instance of the sampler with the same underlying state
using the given
      * uniform random provider as the source of randomness.
      * @param rng Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers.
      * @return the sampler
     R withUniformRandomProvider(UniformRandomProvider rng);

All of the DiscreteSampler and ContinuousSampler classes have been updated
to implement SharedStateSampler.

This is the equivalent of:

  * Sampler that generates values of type {@code int} and can create new
instances to sample
  * from the same state with a given source of randomness.
  * @since 1.3
public interface SharedStateDiscreteSampler
     extends DiscreteSampler,
SharedStateSampler<SharedStateDiscreteSampler> {
     // Marker interface

If this combined marker interface is added to the library it would
simplify a lot of the code for samplers which have internal delegates to
avoid casting. With this interface they can hold a
SharedStateDiscreteSampler rather than a DiscreteSampler delegate and
directly use it to create new delegates.

For example PoissonSampler code which wraps a specific implementation:

  * @param rng Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers.
  * @param source Source to copy.
private PoissonSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng,
         PoissonSampler source) {

     if (source.poissonSamplerDelegate instanceof SmallMeanPoissonSampler) {
         poissonSamplerDelegate =

     } else {
         poissonSamplerDelegate =



private PoissonSampler(UniformRandomProvider rng,
         PoissonSampler source) {
     poissonSamplerDelegate =

I propose to add:

public interface SharedStateDiscreteSampler
     extends DiscreteSampler,
SharedStateSampler<SharedStateDiscreteSampler> {
     // Marker interface

public interface SharedStateContinuousSampler
     extends ContinuousSampler,
SharedStateSampler<SharedStateContinuousSampler> {
     // Marker interface

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