> On 13 Sep 2019, at 15:27, Gilles Sadowski <gillese...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> SonarQube reports "duplicated blocks":
> https://sonarcloud.io/component_measures?id=commons-rng&metric=duplicated_blocks&view=list
> Does it report about the license header?

No. If you click though to the source code (from a violation in the list) and 
scroll you will see a bar in the left margin for the duplicated code. You can 
click on it and it states where the duplicate is.

There are 13 reported duplicates and it’s not always a spurious report. Some of 
the code blocks are duplicates. In this case it is for code that performs work 
to compute more than a single value. As such it is not a simple refactor to 
move the block into a method without having to return an object encapsulating 
the multiple values computed; or pass in an array to hold all the value 
computed; or have a common parent with shared state variable. In the case of 
common code in the random generator next() method of Well19937a and Well44497a 
the various workarounds to eliminate common code would have negative effects 
and is not worth it IMO. In one case it is in classes within different packages 
(e.g. AbstractPcg6432 vs PcgRxsMXs64) where the amount of duplicate code is 
actually the same but it is outside of the package structure to have a common 
parent. That is unreleased code though so could be rearranged without breaking 
binary compatibility.

In about half of the cases it is a spurious report where:

- the code block as text is identical but the types of the variables are 
different (e.g. byte/short/int in the MarsagliaTsangWangDiscreteSampler) - in 
these cases I could try renaming variables but it seems odd since the code is 
deliberately copied with modification only for the data type.
- the value of the constants are different on a single line of code that calls 
a method (e.g. the AbstractXoRoShiRo128 vs AbstractXoShiRo256).

In one case it is exactly the same algorithm (BoxMullerGaussianSampler vs 
BoxMullerNormalizedGaussianSampler); here one is deprecated as it is a known 

> If so, how to deactivate that spurious report?

Don’t know. I’m currently OK with all the duplicates as they are. Ideally they 
could be removed as exceptions without turning off the duplicates report but 
leaving them on is fine.

There are a fair number of other code smells (total = 107).

We can get rid of 9 by renaming SEED to S in the commons/rng/simple/internal/ 

There are 33 for deprecation to ignore.

There are 18 for tests that have no assertions. These are tests that check 
constructors do not throw when self-seeded (i.e. input seed is too small). They 
could be updated to assert the created object is not null. It seems pointless 
to do that. The methods are commented to state they are checking construction 
paths. The generators could be tested to ensure they do not return all zeros or 
the same number. But a full statistical test of the output seems over the top.

There are 15 'Extract the assignment out of this expression’ that I prefer as 
is in MarsagliaTsangWangDiscreteSampler. But I did write it. I could change 
this and it would not affect sampler performance as the code is all in the 
sampler creation method. The other 3 are in the generator next() methods and 
are written that way to match the reference code. It is a style that I am fine 
with in these cases. If changed I would like to do performance tests to check 
it doesn’t make the method slower to remove a coding style warning. So I 
recommend not changing those for simplicity.

3 for commented out code in the pom.xml could be fixed.

There are 2 ignored tests using zero array seeds. It is known that xor-shift 
based generators cannot handle all zero seeds. These tests would never work for 
those generators (there are 18 such generators in the library). I suggest 
deleting these tests. An alternative would be to test the first 50 values. If 
all zero then assume the generator is dead. Otherwise do the statistical test 
on the generator. The test could be commented to state that if a generator is 
outputting non-zero values from an all zero seed that the output should be 

The TODO comment in InternalGamma can be removed. It is 3 years old and there 
is not currently a need to move this helper class to a different component.

Then there are a few legitimate oddities for the remaining 10 or so. I can 
comment the code so this can be seen when clicking through from Sonar.

Doing all the fixes would remove 48 code smells. It would make looking at the 
Sonar report easier.


> Regards,
> Gilles
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