
Le mar. 22 oct. 2019 à 21:50, Eric Barnhill <ericbarnh...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I propose the following class structure for commons-statistics-regression.

[Attachment was probably stripped: such should go to a JIRA report.]

> The interface carried over from commons-math is more of an academic approach 
> to thinking about regression. For rebooting the library (and I hinted at this 
> when I wrote the tickets for summer of code) I was hoping to emulate 
> widespread tools like R and scikit-learn, and consider that "machine 
> learning" is an increasingly popular use of regression. This proposed 
> structure creates an interface that is not the same as, but will be very 
> friendly to, anyone coming from R or scikit-learn, or similar tools in 
> JavaScript.
> There are of course many ways I can see to elaborate this scheme, say using 
> RegressionResult objects and so forth. But Matrices paired with a double[], 
> returning a double[] of coefficients or predictions, are likely to be the 
> most common use cases and should be plenty to get started.

Commenting perhaps too early (not seeing the proposed design), but we broadly
discussed that the linear algebra API is not easy to get right, and once we "get
started", the trend is to be stuck with it for ages (related issues
are among the
oldest unresolved ones in CM).

> Under the hood I would use the available implementations in commons-math to 
> get up and running, and worry about improving them later.

Do you mean port from, or depend on, CM?


> Feedback appreciated,
> Eric

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