Hi Alex.

Thanks a lot for this work (and all the "Complex" stuff)!

Le ven. 10 janv. 2020 à 18:18, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I have been investigating the accuracy of the LinearCombination class. This 
> was because I was using it to perform high precision computations in the 
> Complex class and it did not achieve the desired precision.
> The basis of the class is to compute dot products: sum a_i b_i. It does this 
> by splitting numbers into a higher precision representation, multiplying them 
> and using additions to track the round-off of the standard summation. This is 
> then added at the end.
> The case where it fails is for a linear combination whose total sum is close 
> to 0 but the intermediate sum is far enough from zero that there is a large 
> difference between the exponents of summed terms and the final result. The 
> case is important for Complex numbers which require a computation of 
> log1p(x^2+y^2-1) when x^2+y^2 is close to 1 such that log(1) would be ~zero 
> and the true logarithm is representable to very high precision.
> LinearCombination has a few things that could be changed. However I note that 
> the class has been written to avoid conditional statements on magnitude and 
> so far I have not done a speed analysis of the implications of changes. I can 
> only estimate based on a guess that 1 conditional (|x| < |y|) is equal to 3 
> floating point operations (flops). This is a figure used by Ogita et al 
> (2005) in the paper upon which LinearCombination is based [1].
> For reference I have also referred to Dekker (1971) [2] and Shewchuk (1997) 
> [3]. Dekker is widely used as the originator of split product and split 
> addition where a double of 53-bits is split into two doubles of 26-bits each 
> (1-bit is moved to the sign component) and the terms multiplied separately 
> with exact precision. Shewchuk's paper expands on splits into 2 parts to 
> produce algorithms that express a double as an expansion of n-parts. In 
> either case the sum of the expansion is the original number without loss of 
> accuracy. Dekker’s split addition requires knowing which part is larger in 
> magnitude. An alternative is an algorithm from Knuth that uses more flops but 
> does not require ordering comparators.
> The algorithm in LinearCombination is an implementation of dot2 from Ogita el 
> al (algorithm 5.3). There is subtle difference in that the original dot2 
> algorithm sums the round-off from the products and the round-off from the 
> product summation together. The method in LinearCombination sums them 
> separately (using an extra variable) and adds them at the end. This actually 
> increases precision in my testing as the round-offs are on a different scale.
> Here are the things I have tried changing:
> 1. Using Dekker’s algorithm to split the number. As stated earlier this 
> extracts two 26-bit mantissas from a 53-bit mantis (in IEEE 754 the leading 
> bit in front of the of the 52-bit mantissa is assumed to be 1). This is done 
> by multiplication by 2^s+1 with s = ceil(53/2) = 27:
> big = (2^s+1) * a
> a_hi = (big - (big - a))
> The extra bit of precision is carried into the sign of the low part of the 
> split number.
> This is in contrast to the method in LinearCombination that uses a simple 
> mask on the long representation to obtain the a_hi part in 26-bits and the 
> lower part will be 27 bits.
> The advantage of Dekker’s method is it produces 2 parts with 26 bits in the 
> mantissa that can be multiplied exactly. The disadvantage is the potential 
> for overflow.
> It also appropriately handles very small sub-normal numbers that would be 
> masked to create a 0 high part with all the bits in the low part using the 
> current method. This will have knock on effects on split multiplication which 
> wants the high part to be larger.
> 2. Using Dekker’s dot product algorithm. This maintains a running split sum 
> of the individual products. It requires ordering comparison per summation to 
> ensure the error term is appropriately maintained.
> 3. I have tried a variant with higher order summation using 3 doubles to 
> represent the expanded split sum. This would be a Klein summation [4] of the 
> sum. However although the implementation was better it was not significantly 
> better and I will not show results.
> 4. Using the dotK algorithm (algorithm 5.10) of Ogita et al. This method 
> stores all the round-off parts from the products and sums in an array. If 
> simply summed at the end it will match dot2 (K=2). When K>2 then repeated 
> loops over the array are used with a split sum to create an error free 
> transformation of the data. This is then summed. The transformation has the 
> effect that data is distilled so that it is less effected by differences in 
> the scale of each part to be summed.
> The paper by Ogita state that sum3 is approximately 2.2x the run-time of 
> sum2. The error is that of a K-fold working precision summation. Thus the sum 
> is 3-fold precision verses 2-fold precision.
> Results
> I created increasingly large arrays composed of the quartet of numbers [a, b, 
> c, d] with the condition that:
> a^2 + b^2 = 1
> c^2 + d^2 = 1
> These are multiplied as the dot product [a, b, c, d] * [a, b, -c, -d]
> So when summed the result should be 0. But there is a lot of floating-point 
> error. I compute the correct result using BigDecimal. The scale of BigDecimal 
> is clipped to -324 such that the BigDecimal does not go under 
> Double.MIN_VALUE. This never happens in the test conditions AFAIK but it 
> creates a realistic limit for the computation. I measure the error using 
> units of least precision (ulps).
> In the following results the first column is the total length of the data. 
> Then each method is broken into:
> Mean ulps
> Standard deviation ulps
> Median ups
> Percentile 99 ulps
> Percentile 99.9 ulps
> Percentile 100 ulps (i.e. max error)
> Error count (i.e. when ulps != 0)
> Sign error (when the result has the wrong sign)
> For all metrics lower is better. 100000 samples were run.
> The methods are:
> 1. LinearCombination.value
> 2. LinearCombination.value modified to use Dekker’s split
> 3. Dekker’s dot product
> 4. Dot2s as described in Ogita el al
> 5. DotK with K=2
> 6. DotK with K=3
> 4 : 2.76,50.3,0,32,272,8220,40510,0 : 1.17,28.7,0,15,128,5888,21154,0 : 
> 1.05,37.4,0,9,118,8192,19680,0 : 1.39,39.0,0,16,128,6144,23002,0 : 
> 1.21,28.9,0,16,128,5888,21961,0 : 0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0
> 8 : 9.01,1.66e+03,1,37,352,524288,53469,0 : 1.96,57.2,0,18,168,12288,33874,0 
> : 1.46,55.9,0,15,128,16384,31287,0 : 2.32,58.1,0,23,240,12288,40110,0 : 
> 2.42,118,0,20,192,32768,35870,0 : 0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0
> 12 : 5.04,280,1,40,426,73728,58035,0 : 2.53,88.2,0,23,256,23032,40911,0 : 
> 1.96,96.3,0,16,160,23032,36646,0 : 3.36,103,0,31,272,15872,49167,0 : 
> 2.70,89.2,0,24,266,23032,43062,0 : 0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0
> 16 : 4.93,207,1,40,428,45784,59624,0 : 3.44,198,0,26,248,45784,44578,0 : 
> 1.88,63.1,0,16,152,13824,38925,0 : 4.05,106,1,36,404,13968,53602,0 : 
> 3.64,198,0,29,276,45784,46609,0 : 0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0
> 20 : 5.37,209,1,44,449,42880,61169,0 : 3.45,139,0,30,300,31744,47876,0 : 
> 2.05,85.4,0,18,191,24576,40393,0 : 4.55,133,1,42,448,31744,57253,0 : 
> 3.73,141,0,32,336,31744,49605,0 : 0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0
> 24 : 5.41,241,1,44,430,66816,61880,0 : 3.98,225,0,30,294,66816,49771,0 : 
> 1.89,43.5,0,18,192,7936,41070,0 : 4.96,226,1,42,432,66816,59481,0 : 
> 4.20,226,1,32,332,66816,51326,0 : 0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0
> 28 : 7.27,424,1,48,499,106904,62698,0 : 4.37,180,1,35,388,41368,52005,0 : 
> 2.34,74.7,0,19,198,14048,41758,0 : 6.86,330,1,48,461,61440,61403,0 : 
> 4.58,181,1,38,396,41368,53506,0 : 0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0
> 32 : 7.99,802,1,50,467,245760,63450,0 : 7.73,1.00e+03,1,37,350,311296,53600,0 
> : 2.36,83.7,0,20,226,16384,42182,0 : 6.23,251,1,52,502,49152,62968,0 : 
> 7.94,1.00e+03,1,39,366,311296,54999,0 : 0.00,0.00,0,0,0,0,0,0

Table are not nice to read in email. :-}
I'll trust the conclusion.

> Conclusions
> Dot3 is perfect on this data. The algorithm effectively handles the poorly 
> composed dot product as the final summation reorders the round-off errors.
> The LinearCombination method can be made approximately 30% more accurate 
> (measured by a drop in mean, median and 99 percentile) by switching to 
> Dekker’s split algorithm.
> The Dekker-split variant of LinearCombination outperforms the dot2s and dot2 
> algorithm from the Ogita paper. All methods are doing a standard precision 
> summation of the round-off terms. Dot2s combines alternating product 
> round-off and sum round-off in a single term. Dot2 will sum all product 
> round-off and continue to add the summation round-off. LinearCombination 
> keeps these separate thus starts summing the sum round-off from zero. In the 
> case where the total sum is fluctuating around zero this is an advantage and 
> the method has better performance.
> Dekker’s dot product outperforms all the other methods that use a summation 
> to 2-fold precision. This method requires a (|a| < |b|) comparison for each 
> summation and 1 additional float addition over LinearCombination.value. They 
> share 7muitply+10add per split product and 8add per split sum. So 25n flops 
> for length n as per Ogita et al and so Dekker’s method is 29n flops (assuming 
> an absolute float compare is 3 flops). Ogita et al state that the float 
> compare for Dekker’s two-sum addition requires 6 flops but is up to 50% 
> slower then the method from Knuth requiring 6 flops without branching. I have 
> not verified this but with a modern processor the branch prediction and 
> parallel computation per cycle may change this (the paper was in 2005).
> The dot3 algorithm is fine with this test. I think there is a case for 
> including this in LinearCombination when a higher accuracy is required 
> without switching to BigDecimal. Here is an example of the code for dotK. I 
> did not include the split, product and sum methods for brevity:
> /**
>  * Dot product to K-fold precision.
>  *
>  * @param a Factors.
>  * @param b Factors.
>  * @param k The precision.
>  * @return \( \sum_i a_i b_i \).
>  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sizes of the arrays are different.
>  */
> public static double dotK(double[] a,
>                           double[] b, int k) {
>     if (a.length != b.length) {
>         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension mismatch: " + a.length 
> + " != " + b.length);
>     }
>     final int len = a.length;
>     if (len == 1) {
>         // Revert to scalar multiplication.
>         return a[0] * b[0];
>     }
>     // Store all round-off parts
>     final double[] r = new double[len * 2];
>     // p is the standard scalar product sum initialised with the first product
>     double p = a[0] * b[0];
>     r[0] = productLow(a[0], b[0], p);
>     // Remaining split products added to the current sum and round-off stored
>     for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
>         final double h = a[i] * b[i];
>         r[i] = productLow(a[i], b[i], h);
>         final double x = p + h;
>         r[i + len - 1] = sumLow(p, h, x);
>         p = x;
>     }
>     if (Double.isNaN(p)) {
>         // Either we have split infinite numbers or some coefficients were 
> NaNs,
>         // return the naive implementation for the IEEE754 result
>         return p;
>     }
>     // Sum the round-off with the standard sum as the final component
>     r[r.length - 1] = p;
>     return sumK(r, k - 1);
> }
> /**
>  * Sum to K-fold precision.
>  *
>  * @param p Data to sum.
>  * @param k The precision.
>  * @return the sum
>  */
> private static double sumK(double[] p, int k) {
>     // k=1 will skip the vector transformation and sum in standard precision.
>     for (int i = 1; i < k; i++) {
>         vecSum(p);
>     }
>     double sum = 0;
>     for (final double pi : p) {
>         sum += pi;
>     }
>     return sum;
> }
> /**
>  * Error free vector transformation for summation.
>  *
>  * @param p Data.
>  */
> private static void vecSum(double[] p) {
>     for (int i = 1; i < p.length; i++) {
>         final double x = p[i] + p[i - 1];
>         p[i - 1] = sumLow(p[i], p[i - 1], x);
>         p[i] = x;
>     }
> }
> It is possible to efficiently unroll this for small vectors as has been done 
> in the class already. I did this in the Complex class while testing and the 
> sumK part looks like this:
> // Cascade summation of the terms p_i
> s = p0 + p1;
> p0 = sumLow(p0, p1, s);
> p1 = s;
> s += p2;
> p1 = sumLow(p1, p2, s);
> p2 = s;
> s += p3;
> p2 = sumLow(p2, p3, s);
> p3 = s;
> Etc …
> return p0 + p1 + p2 + p3 + ...
> For discussion:
> 1. Leave LinearCombination alone.
> 2. Update LinearCombination to use Dekker’s split algorithm and the rest 
> leave unchanged. The split algorithm must be guarded against overflow. This 
> adds two float comparison operations in extraction of the split part:
> if (value > SAFE_UPPER || value < -SAFE_UPPER) {
>    // handle overflow
>    return …;
> }
> // normal conversion
> final double c = MULTIPLIER * value;
> return c - (c - value);
> In the nominal case this condition is false and the rest of the split should 
> be the same speed as the current conversion to long bits, masking and back to 
> a double.
> The change would improve the accuracy by ensuring split multiply has no error 
> due to loss of spurious round-off bits from the final bit of the original 
> mantissa.
> I note that cm4.util.FastMathCalc uses this method but the factor is (2^30) 
> and not the correct (2^27 + 1).
> 3. Add a method value(double[] a. double[] b, int k) with k-fold precision to 
> complement the current 2-fold precision value(double[] a. double[] b).
> 4. Switch to Dekker’s algorithm. However I have no error analysis of whether 
> this is comparable on different test sets. It is just better here.
> There is a MatLab script in Ogita et al to generate vectors for 
> multiplication. This may be worth investigating. For now I would not 
> recommend switching to Dekker’s dot product unless there is evidence it is 
> generally applicable.
> 5. Add methods value3(…) that use 3-fold precision and unroll the loops for 
> small vectors.
> I think that option 2 is preferred as all split multiply methods should use 
> the correct split from Dekker.
> I would vote for option 3 to add a higher precision version if a user 
> desires. Since this may be 2x slower it may not be the best option for the 
> default.
> I would opt to implement option 5 and test it with JMH to see if dot3 is 2.2x 
> slower than dot2 in the JVM.
> Thus most of this can be put into a JMH module and tested against the current 
> class to see the performance effect.
> The type of changes that may end up in LinearCombination comes down to 
> whether you want precision over speed.

IIUC, precision (without resorting to "BigDecimal") was the purpose of
"LinearCombination".  +1 for making the appropriate changes to the
existing "value" method.
[I'd suggest to open a JIRA issue and mention the rest of the alternatives
there, for future reference; but I wouldn't add them to the API until there
is a need for it.]


> Opinions welcome.
> Alex
> [1] http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= 
> <http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=>
> [2] https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01397083 <https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01397083>
> [3] 
> http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/quake/public/papers/robust-arithmetic.ps
> <http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/quake/public/papers/robust-arithmetic.ps>
> [4] 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm#Further_enhancements 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm#Further_enhancements>

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