> >> [...]
> >> 1. Maintain functional compatibility with Commons Math
> >> 2. Change for notation compatibility with the original paper
> >>
> >> Opinions on which action?
> >
> > I'm torn, since a lot of the Javadoc points to Wikipedia.
> > However, if some sources explicitly discuss the drawback of our
> > current convention, I'd be much tempted to fix it (the more so if
> > the primary reference also uses the other one).
> > I wouldn't worry about previous CM usage.  [Numbers] is another
> > library and there isn't any promise whatsoever about compatibility.
> > Users who adapt their codes would certainly do so with minimal
> > care.  IIRC, similar fixes were done for the name and/or order of
> > the arguments for some of the distribution classes in [Statistics].
> I think that we then change it so it matches the source paper. It makes it a 
> lot easier to follow the adaption from the paper (which is only about 8 lines 
> of pseudocode) if the variables have the same name.


> I was initially confused when trying to set up some more unit tests to expand 
> coverage as I was looking at Wolfram’s formula. It all worked when I swapped 
> the A and B.
> Do you think it worth adding that anyone porting from CM should swap the 
> method implementations of getA and getB?

No, but we might mention in CM's release notes[1] something
like "Many functionalities have been moved to Commons Numbers,
possibly with a different interface: <list of ported features>".

> My opinion is that this is not necessary if the form is more explicit in the 
> javadoc about what convention we are using.
> A is for the numerator and B the denominator. Given this context it does make 
> more sense to have the lexical order for numerator over denominator as a / b 
> rather than b / a.

+ 1



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