2020-04-09 12:33 UTC+02:00, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com>:
> On 09/04/2020 10:54, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
>> Hi.
>> 2020-04-09 11:28 UTC+02:00, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com>:
>>> Two oddities in fraction:
>>> 1. Zero can be represented as 0 / 1 or 0 / -1
>>> I have not found any location where this manifest as a bug.
>> :-)
>>> It is
>>> handled by the arithmetic and toString methods and the denominator is
>>> not negated in the method negate() and so negation of 0 / -1 returns the
>>> same value:
>>> Fraction f1 = Fraction.of(0, -1);
>>> Fraction f2 = f1.negate();
>>> System.out.printf("%s/%s (%s) : %s/%s (%s)%n",
>>>       f1.getNumerator(), f1.getDenominator(), f1,
>>>       f2.getNumerator(), f2.getDenominator(), f2);
>>> 0/-1 (0) : 0/-1 (0)
>>> 0/-1 (0) : 0/-1 (0)
>>> However any future issues could be avoided by detecting a zero numerator
>>> in the constructors and setting the denominator as 1.
>> Wouldn't this mean a performance hit for the majority of
>> instances that are not zero?
> Yes, but the difference may be marginal.
> So if we are to support 0/-1 then I will add this to the standard test
> cases to make sure it is correctly implemented.


[We removed the requirement that the denominator must
be positive.  It would have been strange to reinstate it for
the case where it least matters.]

>>> 2. There are a lot of pow(exponent) methods in BigFraction compared to
>>> Fraction:
>>> This is mandated by o.a.c.numbers.core.NativeOperations:
>>> Fraction pow(int)
>>> BigFraction pow(int)
>>> But there are more in BigFraction and one returns a double:
>>> BigFraction pow(long)
>>> BigFraction pow(BigInteger)
>>> double pow(double)
>>> I see the long and BigInteger versions as specialisations of the
>>> pow(int) method. The double variant can be implemented in Fraction using
>>> the same method from BigFraction as:
>>>       /**
>>>        * Returns a {@code double} whose value is
>>>        * <code>this<sup>exponent</sup></code>.
>>>        *
>>>        * @param exponent exponent to which this {@code Fraction} is to
>>> be
>>> raised.
>>>        * @return <code>this<sup>exponent</sup></code> as a {@code
>>> double}.
>>>        */
>>>       public double pow(final double exponent) {
>>>           return Math.pow(numerator,   exponent) /
>>>                  Math.pow(denominator, exponent);
>>>       }
>> This now strikes me as dangerous.
>>> So either we add this method to Fraction
>> -1
>>> or drop it from BigFraction.
>> +1
>> Let users perform any "cast" to "double" that could be invalid.
> OK.
> I was wondering about:
> BigFraction pow(long)
> BigFraction pow(BigInteger)
> These are implemented by computing:
> pow(numerator, exponent) and pow(denominator, exponent) and then
> creating a fraction from the result which will perform a reduction. When
> the exponent absolutely must be a long or BigInteger (and not an int)
> then I imagine that this would overflow BigInteger. On my machine this:
> BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
> reports this:
> java.lang.ArithmeticException: BigInteger would overflow supported range

Strange; this doesn't seem to be consistent with the Javadoc:[1]
Semantics of arithmetic operations exactly mimic those of Java's
integer arithmetic operators, as defined in The Java Language
Specification. For example, division by zero throws an
ArithmeticException, and division of a negative by a positive yields a
negative (or zero) remainder. All of the details in the Spec
concerning overflow are ignored, as BigIntegers are made as large as
necessary to accommodate the results of an operation.

> So I think we can drop the pow() methods using a long or BigInteger
> argument too. In cases where you have to use them they will overflow.
>>> Note: The methods are present in the CM 3.6 version of BigFraction but
>>> Fraction did not have any pow methods.
>> A lot of fixes and improvements were brought in by
>> Heinrich Bohne a few months ago.  [IIRC, some issues
>> which he had reported are still pending...]
> I remember the good work on the constructors and conversion to/from
> double. I did not look at reported issues. I was focussing on the
> current functionality.

I didn't mean any subliminal message, except for Heinrich
maybe. ;-)


[1] https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/math/BigInteger.html

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