FYI: Release managers

I have found an issue when building the site using maven 3.8.2.

The project site descriptor (site.xml) is inherited from
commons-parent. This should be merged with the site.xml from the
project. The parent brings in a lot of extra menu items and

I have been building the site without reports for speed (it takes a
few seconds):

> mvn clean site site:stage -DgenerateReports=false

(The site:stage is only required for multi-module projects.)

Running with maven 3.8.2 the site is rendered using
'org.apache.maven.skins:maven-default-skin:jar:1.3'. It lacks all the
extra menus from the commons-parent site.xml.

Running with a previous stable version (maven 3.6.3) the site is
rendered using 'org.apache.commons:commons-skin:jar:4.2'.

This appears to have been a regression introduced by MNG-7170 and
fixed by MNG-7216. I confirm that version 3.8.3 of maven does not have
the issue.

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