There are a lot of proposals floating recently to churn the API. I'm
going to move a direct no on all of this.

Mild improvements in consistency in no way justify any API breakage or
even deprecation. Every method and class that currently exists in any
commons library should continue to exist there with the same signature
indefinitely. Compatibility is far more important than consistency. Do
NOT redesign or rethink the APIs at this late date. Too much depends
on them.

New methods, classes, and packages, and projects can be added where
appropriate. Internals can be improved as possible. But what's there
today  stays there, absent the very rare case where critical bugs or
security issues require breaking an API. However, that's extremely

No API will ever be perfect or free from hindsight. But the cost of
change is too high to justify breaking commons libraries. Stare
decisis is as valuable a principle in API design as in law.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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