I added several methods to the org.apache.commons.CaseUtils class I think
would be very useful, for example to use for normalized naming conventions
for file paths, file names, URLs, etc.

I'm planning on initiating a pull request.

I would like to discuss it here.

I've posted it in a fork here:

and written new tests for all the methods that pass here:

There is an example of the method return values at the top of the revised

The methods have a little different behavior than the existing
toCamelCase(String, boolean, char[]) (which I left intact) in that they
normalize the input first before processing, so toCamelSnakeCase("The
café’s piñata gave me déjà vu.") will return

The main driver engine is in the toTitleCase() method and the rest of the
methods piggyback on that engine and perform minor changes to the return

If anyone feels like taking a look, I'd appreciate any feedback.

Thank you.

Stephan Peters

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