Hi Isabel,

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Isabel Drost <isa...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 21.05.2010 Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
>> I'd like to write a blog post (on the foundation blog, or might be a
>> good opportunity to start the comdev blog) about the basic rules of
>> Apache projects.
> Hmm - one question that came to my mind reading the list: Who is the intended
> reader of that blog post? Users of Apache projects, contributors, committers,
> PMC members? I would guess that users might be interested in a slightly
> different perspective than say committers....

The audience is committers and PMC members, and you're right that this
should be mentioned.

> Another question would be to define what is the purpose of the project: Should
> the reader take some kind of specific action (e.g. restructure the project he 
> is
> working on), should frequent questions concerning how software is developed at
> Apache be answered (than the post should maybe not be just a blog post but
> somehow integrated in the official documentation?)....

By "purpose of the project" do you mean purpose of that blog post?

My goal is mostly for volunteer Apache community members to discuss
and agree on the list of "rules", and publish the results. No hidden
agenda, just trying to start clarifying what we mean by "the Apache

To me the big advantage of a blog post is that it can safely rot - it
only reflects the understanding of its authors as of today, as opposed
to official documentation which is supposed to be the Final Truth (and
is also much harder to agree on, for that reason).


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